RV School


Join us in our journey towards excellence

School Fees From Pre- Nursery to 10th Grade for AY 2024-2025


Our campus is aimed at providing the best holistic education to the children. Our students are encouraged to develop on all levels – personal, social, and emotional. We provide the perfect atmosphere for them to inculcate great values. 

A right step in the right direction at the right time takes you a long way!

Student Life

Our vibrant atmosphere and all-inclusive platform for students ensures that they are provided with equal opportunities consistently!
Our little students light up the campus with their creativity.

Experience the life at RV school, through the eyes of our students

Go, change the world

What We Offer

  • RV School offers remarkable quality education and focuses on developing not just academic skills but also art, craft, music, dance, and physical education.
  • We have highly skilled and insightful faculties dedicated to shaping students’ futures.
  • RV School promotes smart teaching methodologies using multimedia, knowledge bank, maths and science labs, etc.
  • The state-of-the-art facilities such as an amphitheater, elevators, food court, splash pool, sandpit, an enormous playground, etc., evoke the joy of learning amongst the students.
  • With the remarkable quality of education and interactive learning with a joyful atmosphere, RV School imbibes the values and culture in students to excel in all fields.

Why Choose Us?

Quality Education

High Skilled Faculty

Joyful Atmosphere

Skill Development


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